Saturday, December 11, 2010

specially for you

i remembered that i used to call u early in the morning,kejut u saho,kejut u belaja..
i call u everynite before spm,n text u wished u good night.we used to hangout together before,watched movie.lepak kt starbuck.n not to forget this moment,time u blk dr mc naik train,i bngun pagi2,around 5.masak untuk u,then mandi2,betolak ke kl sentral..u selalu ckp i xde prepaid sume,i jlan kaki panas2,just sbb nk beli topup.u penah post bear n card dekat i.but....all the memories just memories.something about us doesn't seems rite these days..u dah berubah.i dunno why.mayb one of the reasons,SPM,i faham,but we still can spent time together after spm.i ingt lg,u call i hari ahad tu,u tell me directly yg u dah kurang sygkn i.i just can't accept it on that time.sbb all of a sudden.unexpected.yes..i cried,n i demam on that day gak.but i x bgtau u yg i demam.i x nk hold on,buti just pikir untuk kebaikan kitaorg,so i have to.but it not last long like i day after physics's paper,i dunno why,i just missing u so much,i tried to control myself from texting you.but i failed.n u did reply my msg.sakit hati,but i tahan.n i tried to call you,but ur phone off.fine then.the next day i call lagi,u x angkat.mayb u refuse to answering my calls.i just nk tanye khabar u,ok ke buat exam?,u balik bila?,n wish good nite.u penah kata kt i,after spm,u nk webcam dgn i..kuar jln2,n celebrate bday i sekali.but looks like hari2 tu x kn kesampaian.u know what.i really wish to celebrate my bday with my loved one..but when this situation comes up.i feel soo sad ,i tahu i x kn dpt celebrate my bday with you.u dunno idz..i nanges almost every nite,luckily i hv my friends around me,they always comfort me,buat lawak sume.just to be honest,i really love you,n i syg our relationship.i don't wanna break up.but the way you text me n all that,maybe u want that way.i can't force u,i know..if i sorang je yg sygkn u,no point.n idz,u really a nice guy to me,u caring n honest person.maybe i'm not good enough for you.maybe we hv to go our own way..i got to move on,n let you go,but i will be missing you.u such a good bf,seriously.bgs la sapa yg jd gf or wife u in the future.but i really hope that although we are not in a relationship anymore,we still can be friend.kalau boleh jgn la lost contact.but its up to you,if u decided not to contact me as a friend anymore.if mmg u dah jodoh i,insyaAllah kita together balik in the future.if u ade problems ke,i always free to hear it.i can be a good listener.n sorry for being a bad gf..