Friday, March 30, 2012

Am I look obviously suprise?well..

fuhhhh,because of poverty of time to blog and a lil of uninterested to blog last time,so i don't hv many posts.btw for the past 2 hours 'someone' called me,and we just chit chat about JPAM,and like suddenly he was like,syahh,I'm into someone now,i got a crush',and i was like okay,ha-ha who was that?whats her name?' (acting like i didn't feel kinda-ouch!)i became speechless for awhile,i told myself then ,well it kinda hurt me but still i should considered it as a good news.well, i know i hv such a great boyfriend,but how about this,many people said and their perception about the first love is hard to erase or forget.what do you think?is't true?or not?.Back to my story,i just feel that i can't hangout with him like before,i dont think i can talk,borak2 with him like before,it's gonna be a lil awkward,i dunno,I can't deny IT that deep inside in my heart,I still love him.just a lil.SERIOUSLY a LITTLE.mayb I used to love him so muchhh before,and i know he deserve with someone else better than me and live a happy life,maybe i'm just being too emotional,btw happy to hear that news from you.Now me with my life and my boyfieeee,Ariff.well,he's a nice guy,seriously,it's hard to find a guy like him outside there,I'm GLAD and very lucky to hv him as my bestie and my boy friend.haha he knw all my bad side,and he has used to it.noiceeeee : D off to skype now.