Sunday, August 19, 2012

Today is the day..

This is the day,the day you fly off to Virginia.I'm sorry I won't be there at the airport.I'm sorry I won't be there to see you for the last time and say good bye to you.You knw how desperate I am to be with you at the airport?.And I already planned something for you.I did an album where i put all of our pics inside there.But an album is not enough to fill all of our memories together.I did a pencil box for you and a card which I thought I can give you today and u can read it in the aeroplane.*sounds dramatic.But it seems that your parents doesn't feel comfortable with my present at the airport,they gave me excuses.well,I can't say anything,I respect them as your parents.Coincidentally today is Raya Aidilfitri Day.A festival after fasting month.I wake up in this morning and read your msg that you sent.'hey b,have a nice raya,sorry for all my wrongdoing,you are the most amazing girl,love you,hope we will meet again after 4 years,take care'.seriously I cried a river alone in my room.Just know my sister asked me'hey Syah,he already flew off,why you don't look sad?',then I was just smile and said back to her'how did you know that I'm not sad? I hide my sadness behind a mask of smiles,no one knows how I feel.Btw, It takes you 13 hours from Malaysia to reach L.A .I wonder what you're doing now.I really hope you're doing fine.