Friday, January 16, 2009


u ngan i selalu chat at msn,smbil gune webcam,he both of us still malu2 lg time tuuu n we played dam..first time i kenal ngan u,both of us selalu tercarik carik kt skola..i thought u yg zafir pale senget tuu,haha,i still x cam u lg waktu tu,so tiap kali lalu dpn zhafir je,pndg die..but he dun gv the same respon,then bile blk u ckp u pndg i kt skola,i pelik,n blurr -_-,but lame2 br i th u yg mane satu..

u ask my no. at ms,then we start msgging,yeahh i ingat lg time tu we talk bout our fav things,n i noe alot bout ur fav things..ermm let me c,u suke red colour,suke soya bean,suke guitar...n i th perangai keling u jugak -_____-

yaw!our first date,hee :),i ngan su gy swim at kkclub,u ngan kwn2 u pun gy kkclub gak..time swim i nmpk u..fuhh malunyeee,mmg lemas trs,haha! mase nk blk,u already kt enterence kkclub,duduk kt sofa,then i msg u suro tnggu i......smpai la i beli ice cream milo n ngan muke x malunye dudk dpn u,HA-HA .selambe ckp2 ngan u,n u lak asyik tngok ur phone,hee i no u maluu jugak time tu.n yeah kebetulan su pun tngah date ngan bf die,i malu sngat ngan u,i hanta msg kat su,but terhantaa kt u,goshhh,u lak ngan muke selambenye'eh u silap hanta msg la,u terhanta kt i' hahaha,i malu gile dohh,x tau nk ltk muke kt mane mase tuu,sure gile mesti u thn gelakkn? then ur mom dah smpai u blk..(btw u look smart time tu syg,hmm u pakai t-shirt kuning)

okie,on 31.07.08,u th kn ?first day we so happy!u too i no.then hr sabtu u,i n su gy kkclub.Yeahhh rite ,we date in the gym,but its totally fun.After gym u bwk i jln2 round the kkclub,n lps tu i spray perfume i kat u,smpai lps tu u cm addicted ngan perfume tu,haha nice smell kn kn.Then both of us lepak2 kt dpn swimming pool,su pulak gy date ngan bf die, n u bg i rantai,nicee,thnks :)..*ishh u x pakaikn pun rantai tu :P .At the same day,hari kantin berlangsung kt skola but mls nk gy.

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