Saturday, March 7, 2009


001. Real name -- Aisyah bt Dzulkifli
002. Nickname(s) -- Aisyah, Syah,Shasha, Cha,Echa,Ca
003. Zodiac sign --pisces
004. Male or female -- Female
005. Elementary School -- Tadika Muhammadin
006. Primary School -- SK Taman Melawati 1
007. High School -- SMK Taman Melawati
008. Hair color -- Black
009. Long or short -- huh?,blur
010. Loud or Quiet --idk
011. Sweats or Jeans -- Jeans.
012. Phone or Camera -- Both !!
013. Health freak -- Most of the time, yeah.
014. Drink or Smoke --bothh,NOO!
015. Do you have a crush on someone -- Yup...
016. Eat or Drink -- bothhh :D ,hee
017. Piercings -- Yeah, ears.
018. Tattoos -- HARAMM!! neverr


019. Been in an airplane? -- Yeah, so many times.
020. Been in a relationship? -- yeahh..
021. Been in a car accident ? -- Nope,n x nk punn
022. Been in a fist fight ? --a ahh,br jee td.


023. First piercing -- Ears.
024. First best friend -- Atiqah Zainal :D
025. First award – pengawas (darjah 4)
026. First crush -- Fitri(standard 4)
028. First big vacation -- idk,lupeee ahh


029. Last person you talked to -- Abg bermuscle(Zakri) :P
030. Last person you texted --Amnii
031. Last person you watched a DVD with --idk,dah jarang tngok dvd.
032. Last food you ate --cookies
033. Last movie you watched alone -- erm.. ank mami kembali :D
034. Last song you listened to -- crush,David Archuleta
035. Last thing you bought --food :D
036. Last person you hugged --mama!

037. Food -- ALL!
038. Drinks -- teh bunga, milk,soya,guava jus
039. Clothing -- Anything
040. Flower -- rose
041. Books -- Anything interesting.
042. Colors -- Currently,baby blue,anything sweet.
043. Movies -- Harry Potter.
044. Subjects -- Addmaths and Chemist.

In 2008, I..

045. [x] kissed someone
046. [ ] celebrated Halloween
047. [x] had your heart broken
048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone
049. [] someone questioned your sexual orientation
050. [ ] came out of the closet
051. [ ] gotten pregnant
052. [ ] had an abortion
053. [x] done something you've regretted
054. [x] broke a promise
055. [x] hide a secret
056. [x] pretended to be happy
057. [x] met someone who changed your life
058. [] pretended to be sick
059. [] left the country
060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
061. [x] cried over the silliest thing
062. [x ] ran a mile
063. [x ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [x] got into an argument with your friends
065. [x] hated someone
066. [x] stayed single the whole year


067. Eating -- Nothing
068. Drinking -- Nothing
069. I'm about to --im bout to watch tv
070. Listening to --non
071. Plans for today -- pgy rumah radzi,n wat hw..
072. Waiting for -- non
073. Want kids -- After I'm married.
074. Want to get married -- Yupp.
075. Careers in mind --finance,or engineering..


076. Lips or eyes -- Eyes.
077. Shorter or taller -- Taller.
078. Romantic or spontaneous -- Both :D
079. Nice stomach or nice arms -- IDK
080. Sensitive or loud -- Both, if cAN..
081. Hook-up or relationship -- Relationship..
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant -- IDK.


083. Lost glasses/contacts -- NOPE.
084. Snuck out of your house -- Never.
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense -- Tk pernah lagi.
086. Killed somebody -- EE,x penah,dosaa dohh
087. Broken someone's heart -- Yes...i no hu,,sorii dears..
088. Been arrested -- No and never kott;).
089. Cried when someone died -- Yeah...of coz..


090. Yourself -- Yeah
091. Miracles -- Sometimes.
092. Love at first sight -- Not really.
093. Heaven -- Of course:D.
094. Santa Claus -- Nope.
095. Sex on the first date -- NO!
096. Kiss on the first date -- NO!


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now -- Yes...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life -- ermmm yeahh.
099. Do you believe in God ? YES!!!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people

sayaaa tag:
hanna,adlin,amni,uzair,radzi,suhaila,nina,jun,ngan ade lg yg lainn.

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