Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Less than 30 days

Theres like less than 30 days before you fly to Virginia to continue your study for 4 years.which mean I might see you,and spend time with you for the last time before you fly because highly possibility you might not come back for 4 years.Plus who knows,if death are calling one of us to go first.I don't knoww,there are soo many things inside my mind ,and the feelings..its complicated,i can't even explain how I feel right now. -.- .btw , I already planned alot things to give you on the day you fly.I hope we can spend time together,and have a simple spend time like go to the 'bazar' (alot of stalls where people sell foods,VARIOUS type of foods and drinks) and have a nice dinner together.But the things are not going well as I hope so.You give me an excuses about your financial,which you hope that I understand your situation.yes,I know wht prob you 're having right now,but it seems like you don't make an effort to think other alternative ways to hangout with me.'hey,don't worry,k?,we will hv time together before I fly'.Yeah great,you said it as if there 3 ,4 months left,but the fact is now,less than 30 days.sigh*, I hope you realise about it.Long distance relationship might make us face very hard time together in future,but whatever happen between us ,I know,I'll be waiting for you for 4 years.

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